how I work

I am both an individual therapist as well as a group therapist. If you have one to one therapy with me, sessions last 50 minutes and you are the sole focus. If you have group therapy with me, sessions last at least 2 hours and you are one individual client amongst other clients in that group.

I work with you to create the change you want. People come to therapy for all kinds of reasons. I facilitate a process in which you can safely discover parts of yourself you may have kept hidden. You might simply want permission to slow down so that you can tend to past wounds, which will allow you to move forward. You might need a space to voice what feels un-sayable or think through how to navigate life’s challenges. At the core of my work is my relationship with you. You set the pace and I do my best to meet you where you are.

My core training is in psychodrama psychotherapy which is an adaptable technique that allows you to work through issues or blocks in an embodied way, as well as talking. You can read more about this approach: HERE.

If you’d like to explore whether working together would be right for you, the next step is to book in for an assessment.

we start with an assessment

An initial assessment is a low-cost introductory 50 minute session. It’s for you to ‘assess me’, as much as I’m learning about you. You can ask me questions about the therapy process and experience a little of the way I work, before committing to therapy. In assessments I also share my clinical opinion of your material, and how we might work together to help you.

After an initial assessment session, I invite you to reflect quietly for a bit. Things like: How do I feel after spending time with Harriet? Is anything any clearer? Did I feel listened to? Can I see myself coming to that therapy space every week? Do I want to go back?

Having noted your own process, I’ll ask you to let me know if you’d like to come back for a second assessment to continue the process of getting to know each other. I do up to 3 assessments with potential new clients. By the end of the process, we decide whether you want to commit to weekly therapy together.

my fees

The initial assessment session costs £40. The remaining 2 (if needed) cost £75 per session and are payable in advance. 

One to one therapy sessions cost £80 per session.

Both assessment and therapy sessions last 50 minutes.

Please email me to inquire about concessions.

group therapy

These are longer, weekly sessions where you can work through your individual material whilst also exploring how you behave in a collective.

This kind of therapy can be both challenging and deeply rewarding. One of the groups I run focuses on identity, belonging, exploring notions of home and building resilience in a world that can feel polarising and unpredictable.